Corina Basnou

PhD in Biology and Master in Phytocenology. She is a researcher at CREAF, a public research center specialized in biodiversity, terrestrial ecosystems and climate change. Her main field of study is nature-based solutions (NBS) in cities, with special interest in citizen science and urban green planning, to achieve biodiverse and healthy cities. At CREAF he coordinates the H2020 Conexus and Clearing House projects, dedicated to the exchange of knowledge between administrations, researchers and citizens to promote urban restoration in geographical areas such as Europe, China and Latin America.

He has taught Botany and Environmental Policies at Babes-Bolyai University (Romania), where he has worked on several projects related to grassland ecology. He has been responsible for the historical mapping project of the province of Barcelona, which is used as a basis for analyzing and modeling recent changes in the landscape and their relationship with biodiversity conservation.

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