Joan Caba

Senior urban planner at Urban Planning department of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB).

Caba is a Catalan Architect and Urban Planner. Since 2015, he works at Urban Planning department of the AMB where he has collaborated in several projects and research identifying which are the metropolitan role of mobility infrastructure and the industrial states. Currently, he is the network coordinator of RiConnect, a URBACT network of 8 metropolises which aim is to rethink, transform and integrate mobility infrastructures in order to reconnect people, neighbourhoods, cities and natural spaces.. In parallel, he also provides to the metropolitan municipalities technical support on urban planning.

Previously, he worked in Manuel de Solà-Morales office (Barcelona 2007-2011), Greater London Authority GLA (London UK 2013) and Kiosk architecture&design (Newcastle upon Tyne UK 2014-2015). He also lectured architecture and urban design at Newcastle University (2014-2015).

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