
Botonera Save the Date

Vindrà el dia més llarg d’algun llarguíssim estiu. De bon matí, abans que el telèfon no ens cridi a platja o bosc, ens n’anirem. Prendrem el tren més lent, i baixarem a la tercera estació, en un poble de terra sense verds. 

20/12/2022 Data de l’esdeveniment





Opening session

Antonio Balmón, Ernest Maragall, Jordi Martí, Raf Tuts (video message)

Plenary session (auditorium Vicenç Badenes)


Keynote speech. The metropolis as a territorial solution to the urban challenges on the international agendas

Dennis Coderre, Claudia López, Ernest Maragall

Plenary session (auditorium Vicenç Badenes)


Coffee break


Metropolitan governance and legitimacy solutions to decision-making process

David Gómez, Claudia López, Oriol Nel·lo, Mariona Tomàs, Alejandra Trejo, Daniel Wrzoszczyk

Oriol Illa
Plenary session (auditorium Vicenç Badenes)


Efficient management and good governance solutions

Yolanda Bichara, Giancarlo Cotella, Claudia López, Ramon Torra, Ivan Tosics, Paolo Veneri

Agustí Fernández Losada
Parallel session (auditorium Vicenç Badenes)

Workshop. Communication as an instrument for metropolitan solutions. Global network of metropolitan and regional management - Journalists’ chapter - UN-Habitat (I)

Heads of communication from the city councils of the 36 municipalities of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, and journalists

Rafael Forero, María del Pilar Téllez, Waldir Ochoa
Parallel session (aula B)

13.30 Working lunch


The impact of technological solutions on defining and managing the metropolis

Ana Chubinidze, Toni Codina, Antonella Contin, Ramon Gras, Lluís Torrens

Carlos de la Morena
Parallel session (auditorium Vicenç Badenes)

Workshop. Metropolitan indicators across the world: solutions to monitor metropolitan spaces and improve public services

Nuno F. da Cruz, Marc Martí, Rashid Seedat, Representatives from metropolitan observatories from San Salvador and Valle de Aburrá (TBC)

Lia Brum, Silvia Llorente
Parallel session (aula C)

Workshop. Communication as an instrument for metropolitan solutions. Global network of metropolitan and regional management - Journalists’ chapter - UN-Habitat (II)

Heads of communication from the city councils of the 36 municipalities of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, and journalists

Rafael Forero, María del Pilar Téllez, Waldir Ochoa
Parallel session (aula B)

16.00 Coffee break


Green and blue solutions: from a grey city to a green metropolis

Maria José Avendaño, Corina Basnou, Vicente Guallart, Paul Lecroart, Demetra McBride, Maritza Hernández

Ana Romero
Parallel session (auditorium Vicenç Badenes)

Workshop. Communication as an instrument for metropolitan solutions. Global network of metropolitan and regional management - Journalists’ chapter - UN-Habitat (III)

Heads of communication from the city councils of the 36 municipalities of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, and journalists

Rafael Forero, María del Pilar Téllez, Waldir Ochoa
Parallel session (aula B)

Towards a metropolitan vision for Europe 2050

Xavi Tiana, Jordi Vaquer

Henk Bouwman
Parallel session (aula C)


Guided tour to «The Melting Age» exhibition

Alfons Rodríguez

Visit to the exhibition (Opensurf room)


Solutions to city planning

Yaser Abunnasr, Gabriel Lanfranchi, Josep Maria Pascual, Cansu Yapici

Joan Caba
Parallel session (auditorium Vicenç Badenes)

Workshop. How cities learn (I). Methodological tools for policy transfer

Carles Conill, Giuseppe Grezzi (TBC), Aytor Naranjo, Laia Carbonell

Tom Rye
Parallel session (aula C)

15.40 Coffee break

Pàgina de proves

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